Level in Pencak Silat

Thursday, March 3, 2011
In summary, students silat or fighters are divided into several stages or levels of proficiency, namely:

    1. Beginners, taught all the basic steps such as horses, kicking techniques, punches, blocks, dodgery, catch, dings, body work, as well as a series of basic steps of education and standard "jurus" IPSI
    2. Medium, at this stages, fighters are more focused on the application all the basic movements, understanding, variation, and here will begin to appear interests and talents fighters, and will be distributed to each branch, for example, Sports & Culture.
    3. Coach, the result of a mature capability based on experience in the beginner stage, and middle would make the fighters stepped into the next stage, where they will be given techniques - techniques martial arts college, where this technique is only given to people who are trustworthy, and capable of technically and morally , because the martial arts technique is usually a very effective combat technique in disabling the opponent / very deadly.
    4. "pendekar" or Pencak Silat Master, is a fighter who has been recognized by the elders of college, they will inherit the sciences in high-level secret of Pencak Silat.


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