Pencak Silat Cikalong

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Silat Cikalong (Cianjur, West Java)

The Origin
Cianjur is a district that is administratively included in the region of West Java. There, precisely in the area Cikalong there is a martial art called Pencak Silat Cikalong ". Name of martial arts that is closely associated with one of its citizens who named Raden Jayaperbata which became known as Haji Ibrahim. He is the person who first introduced the martial arts. Because he comes from or residing in Cikalong, the martial arts he created called "Pencak Silat Cikalong".

Perhaps, when it (his day), Pencak Silat is one of the traditional game which is preferred by the authorities Cianjur. In fact, it was imperative for them to learn, including Raden Haji Ibrahim. When it is a much studied martial arts since Abah end of a flow Cimande (Cimande martial arts teacher) can beat the champ of Macao during Dalem Noh.

Raden Haji Ibrahim himself is the figure of people who are not satisfied with what they own. Although've studied martial arts Cimande, he always wanted to add knowledge silatnya. Perhaps, he already had studied martial arts in 17 universities. However, it has not been satisfied as well until one day he went to Batavia (Jakarta) and studied kungfu there. In Batavia, he not only studied at a teacher but there are three persons, namely: Mahkrup Bang, Bang Kari, and Bang Madi. It makes science silatnya higher. In fact, it can be said to be excellent. However, there is one thing that always disturbed him, that is from various martial arts he had learned all of them are attacking and killing the opponent.

And, this is incompatible with humanity. Moreover, given his position as a cleric. For that, armed with martial arts under his rule, he tried to manipulate to create the nature of martial arts for self defense and Hospitality. The result is a martial arts as mentioned above, namely Pencak silat Cikalong.

"JURUS " Pencak Silat Cikalong
To be able to do martial arts moves Cikalong well, then there are three things that need to be addressed: (1) position, time, tools, range, movement, and targets must be true and correct, (2) trying to get close to the opponent; and (3) motion to stay away.

For clarity, the following is a description of the three things that need attention. First, position, time, tools, range, movement, and targets must be true and correct. Because, if not properly and accurately the outcome was not optimal (not as desired). Second, basic martial arts is a game Cikalong flavor by using or distributing power opponent. To be able to carry it out properly, then the fighters Cikalong should try as closely as possible (attached) on the opponent. Because it is so, then the martial arts known Cikalong some terms, such as: Ameng tampelan, tatapelan or usik-tease. Kind of a sense of many kinds depending on the power and usefulness. So, can the base of the arm, foot, fingers and other limbs. Beatings for example, in other traditional martial arts (silat apart Cikalong) typically have been filled at the beginning of the beating, so if you miss (miss the mark), the bat will be carried away by his own strength. However, in silat Cikalong power does not start at the beginning of the beating, but at the time of the target. If the blow was arrested by the opponents, so workers immediately withdrawn and discharged (as before). Third, any pressure that was felt by fighter Cikalong be over quickly neutralized (usually by reflex because it has mastered a sense).

For the record, the martial arts Cikalong no Ibing Penca (silat game is just a preface). However, immediately contained due to the nature of martial arts is compact and agile. Therefore, it is not in harmony with martial drums. So, if the fighters have to do Ibing, then Ibing done is martial ngibing Cimande. Accordingly, the Team Section of Culture, Education and Culture Cianjur Regency (2002) says that the existing Ibing Cikalong is actually just not part of the original martial arts Cikalong. And, this condition often leading to misunderstandings.

Function and Cultural Values
The function of martial arts called Cikalong this is as well as martial arts and health. Meanwhile, the values contained in them are: patience, precision and agility. The value of patience is reflected in the mastery of flavor that certainly does not come by itself, but must be learned immediately persistent and full of patience. Value of accuracy and agility is reflected when it came to doing the movements right and proper.

Pencak Silat Cikalong Today
In the past pencak Cikalong many fans, especially among young children. However, today there is a tendency began to be abandoned. This was reflected by the rare appearance in a variety of activities, both within the framework of individual events, the community and in order to commemorate the great days of national (17 Agustusan). One contributing factor is the reluctance to mempejarinya younger generation, while the pesilatnya, especially the teachers, the more elderly. In fact, some among the dead. Generally, the younger generation is more like a game and / or other art that is easier to learn.


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